The Norwegian Forest Cat is one of Mother Nature’s finest achievements. Their silky soft flowing coats are almost waterproof and virtually tangle free, a great advantage to people who don’t have the time or patience for the extensive daily grooming associated with many other long-haired cats.
Over thousands of years these large, extremely people-oriented cats evolved in the frozen forests of Norway and environments. To stay warm, they developed dense double coats; the underlining is crinkled in the manner of lambswool to form air pockets and the semi-waterproof outer guard hairs are surprisingly long and silky. Their inner ears sport long sweeping curls of hairs to deflect the wind and snow. Their tails are as bushy as a fox’s. A full, fluffy mane, several inches long in mature cats, forms a picture frame to highlight their large green, gold or blue eyes. Six-inch long whiskers are not uncommon. A bit of practical whimsey by Mother Nature are the jaunty lynx tips on each ear top and the built-in snowshoes they sport on all four feet - feathery clumps of fur sprouting from between their toes that allow them to run across snow without sinking in. (April 1987 by Jane Barletta
We are a committed group of breeders working together to preserve the original beauty of the Norwegian Forest Cat.